Thursday, August 4, 2011

San Diego Here I Come!

San Diego Marriott hotel and Marina

Oh yeah, I'm already here.

Camp Widow 2011 is just one week away. I have been prepping for it for several weeks now. Candice and I are presenting a workshop for the newly widowed, which I suppose in the big picture I'm still a part of.

Perspective. I guess that's what it comes down to. Perspective.

Am I new at this, or is this old hat? I'm not completely sure at this point. I know that my journey has it's ups and downs. I know that I was on an upper for awhile there, and lately have been on a downer. Yet, in the larger picture, I feel like I'm doing okay. There is always room for improvement, and there is still plenty of time.

I'm really looking forward to seeing many friends next week. There will be so many that I will be meeting in person for the first time. I remember the excitement last year, and the joy that it brought me to be among those that I had been corresponding with all year long. This year has brought so many other new friends into my life, and for that I am grateful.

Who would have know that I would one day be looking forward to spending the weekend with a bunch of widows?

This is the life!


  1. Best wishes to you and everyone else who makes the trip to SD next weekend. I will have fun imagining all of you getting together IRL. I'm even a little envious, but am hopeful that, someday, I will have the opportunity to neet a few of you in person during my travels.

  2. Have a great time! I had such a great time last year and I'm already missing not being there! Seeing your picture made me smile bringing lots of sweet memories to mind. Everyone attending your session is very lucky!
