Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Cave of Woe
Originally uploaded by Mike Thue

Raw pain.

Tortured mind.

Empty soul.

what does it all mean?




how do I begin to care?

Heavy chains.

Open wounds.

Wracking nerves.

why me?




when does it end?

Raw pain. Tortured mind. Empty soul.
Apathetic. Lost. Resentful.
Heavy chains. Open wounds. Wracking nerves.
Tears. Anguish. Anger.

Raw pain. Tortured mind. Empty soul.
Apathetic. Lost. Resentful.
Heavy chains. Open wounds. Wracking nerves.
Tears. Anguish. Anger.

Raw pain. Tortured mind. Empty soul.
Apathetic. Lost. Resentful.
Heavy chains. Open wounds. Wracking nerves.
Tears. Anguish. Anger.

what? how? why? when? what? how? why? when? what? how? why? when? what? how? why? when? what? how? why? when? what? how? why? when?



  1. repeat as necessary.

    Until you find your new "balance" my friend.

    I don't know if you enjoy reading, but there is a book called, "A Grace Disguised" by Jerry Sittser that I read about 4 - 5 months into my own journey. It touched on religion a little too much for my personal liking, however, it had a very calming effect on me ... and also raised a couple of points that had a major changing effect on me, and the way I viewed C's death, my life and this loss. If you're interested, please see blog entries:




    It really helped me xx

  2. I found your brutally intense and biting words an almost perfect description of "woe" along with the photo. These are strong, difficult, disquieting words that most people do not want to stir up. Most people also do not want to listen to someone acknowledging even a bit of what you described. But I found your words hypnotic as I reread them over and over. They are powerful and even ugly. But somehow there is such an honest and real beauty within them. I hope wrestling with these inner demons and identifying them with words and descriptions has brought you some relief.
