Thursday, August 26, 2010

Attention Whore

26 Sept 2008 - Day 276: Attention Whores

No clever stories to tell tonight. Just a very long day, moving slowly through the thick air of my existence.

My day started out very nicely. I had a job interview that I was actually looking forward to. I got a good vibe off the person who initially called me to request an interview. As I was searching for the building I started to worry about making this move back into active employment. My life has significantly slowed down these past six weeks, and I would say that the new pace agrees with me, and I with it.

Anyway, I got to the interview, and sat before three individuals, placed across a very large table. They said they had 15 questions in all, five each. I thought to myself, How did I get so lucky? Many people would find this situation a bit intimidating, but not me. I love to talk about my experience, and about what I would like to do for their agency. But most of all, I love talking to other adults. How often does that really happen for me? I was answering all their questions, yet also throwing in some of my humor, and had them laughing during the interview. It was marvelous.

Panel Interview

I was sitting there at the table, thoroughly enjoying myself, and thought, I need to interview for a lot more jobs. I would never be lonely again! When I am at home, I do get the occasional five minute contact with each of my sons, who always have lovely things to say, and quite often stop to give me a hug, but then they are off to their rooms, playing whatever the hell they were playing. Just short little sound bites. But hey, I'm not complaining. If it weren't for them, I would be spending all of my time talking to my dog and cat.

Earlier in the week I went to a friends for dinner. She was so gracious, and asked me so many good questions about how I am doing, how the kids were, and about my blogging and widowed community. It was also one of those rare opportunities where I was in heaven. An active listener, right there in front of me. I couldn't get enough of her attention, and willingness to exchange thoughts with me.

After leaving my friends home on Monday night, and the interview this morning, I realized that I am quickly becoming an attention whore. I'll take any opportunity that comes my way. You don't have to offer me much. Throw some food in front of me and you can have your way with me. Tempt me with a possible job in the future and I will be your love slave. You see, I need to have that attention. I need to talk out loud. It doesn't take much to satisfy me. You don't even have to be all that interested in what I am saying. Just nod your head, and tell me to go on with what I am saying, and I will sell you my soul. Oh yes, it's that bad.

I worry that I will soon become like many of the senior citizens that spend way to long in the check out line, wanting to share stories with the cashier. Or do lots of shopping for things I don't really need, just to have the opportunity to exchange words out loud with another adult. If the person is real friendly with me I can stretch out my hand to shake theirs when I say what a pleasure it was to speak with them. And the minute my hand comes in contact with theirs, well, it's almost better than sex. Well, maybe that's a stretch, but when your not getting any sex, a simple hand shake can awaken all those stored away endorphins that have been not been launched by the brain in a very long time.

Business handshake

I'm pathetic! Look what's become of me. How did I get here? Am I that easy?

You bet your sweet ass I am!

Wait a minute, this isn't what I was going to write about.


  1. Ha! Loved reading this post! (-:

    I saw myself in those words too.
    Love you Dan x

  3. i know this solitary life very well. i know that when i get to be with my daughter, we both talk 90 mph to each other in a short-hand that no one understands but us. other than that i say things all day like like, "shhhh. no barking on the balcony." "do you want to go out?" "i'm just going to the mailbox. i'll be right back." and "everybody on the bed." oh, and i also sing songs that i have made up the lyrics to to the dogs. i sound like a lunatic.

  4. Ha Ha Ha!
    This was really fun to read - because it is funny and because I recognize myself in your post Dan, and especially in WNS's comment.
    I am back to work on Monday - full time after 8 months - yikes ! I am sure I am going to have a sore throat from all the talking I will be doing. I have a lot of time to make up for.
    Love to you all

  5. PS
    Dan - the photos were funny as well - it makes me wonder where on earth you find them.

  6. ROFLMAO!!!!!!
    I need to give you my phone number so you can talk to me all you want!!

  7. Though my kids certainly provide more interaction - for me at times I wish it was less . . . I hate to say it, and I know one day I'll wish I could be more involved again, but a big part of me is looking forward to the time when I don't have to get into discussions on why you need to go potty before bed, help brushing teeth, help wiping bums, requests of swallowing before you talk, etc.

    I too, crave adult interaction much of the time. I've found I'm getting more of that at my work now, which is great - but at times it's a double edged sword as moms/wives come in and often their husbands are brought up in conversation . . . I knew I was setting myself up for that though.

    It's in the evening, after the girls are in bed that I really feel it. I try to talk on the phone when I can (and feel like I'm not burdening those who are kind enough to endure me) - but nothing replaces the feeling when someone sits in the room with you to talk.

    Hell, even when my in-laws were here last weekend I kept them up late because it was someone in my house to talk with! (I don't have the same relationship with my MIL as you do with yours . . . ). Anytime we have guests I could stay up all night talking.

    Sorry for the long ramble . . . but I get what you are saying,

  8. Hey Dorthea. I subscribe to Flickr. As a member you are able to use various photographs for your blog. Each photographer decided what they are willing to share. All of the photos I use are linked back to the original artist. All you have to do is click on the photo, and it takes you to that particular artist's photostream.

    Thanks for asking.

  9. This post made me laugh out loud. I know these feelings, especially the part about the handshake. I'm so starved for touch these days, ANY touch, I'm afraid I'm making some of my friends a bit uncomfortable with my constant PDA. When I'm with someone I care about and with whom I feel comfortable, I have to actively restrain myself from touching them all the time. It's bad. LOL

  10. dan - you have a gift with words...

  11. As someone who works in HR may I just say it sounds to me like you would excel in customer service if you ever want to branch out in that direction--and all the contact with people you could ever want! LOL

    You have a real gift for connecting with people, I look forward to your words each day.

    Take care,
