Thursday, July 29, 2010


48/365 *Delete* *Pause/Break*
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Well, I just accidentally deleted a post that I had began writing. Now I feel very uninspired to begin again.

Let's just say that my day was better than yesterday. I stayed out of the house almost all day and night.

Tomorrow morning I will be starting my day off with another private yoga lesson, and take it from there.

My missing Michael is starting to creep up on me. I feel like I might be entering a difficult time. Nothing too serious, just a feeling like there is something different in the air.


  1. I too have deleted things like posts and comments before they were saved and it gives me such a sinking feeling. Uninspired to begin again describes it well!

    I hope that the something different in the air isn't too overwhelming. Enjoy your private yoga lesson!

  2. In the past, I've also accidentally deleted posts. Fortunately, now wordpress has some built-in feature that seems to save me from myself.

    I probably don't have to say this, but don't be surprised by those returns of "difficult times". At almost 2 years out, I'll be going along thinking I'm doing okay, and then I'll start feeling myself slide. The only thing I can say is that, as time passes, the times when aI seem to be sinking seem less frequent and don't last quite as long, and usually aren't as intense as they used to be. I think the part that is hard for me - and probably for all of us - is the knowledge that every bit of happiness seems always coloured with at least a little sadness. That's one thing that I don't believe will ever go away. I suppose it's something we just learn to live with.
